Dog Bite Lawyer Firms

Common injuries suffered by dog-bite victims:

Dog bite victims can sustain everything from small cuts and scratches, to life-threatening injuries which can have devastating effects.  Some of these can affect a person’s ability to function normally for the rest of their lives, both physically and emotionally.  Common injuries resulting from dog bites include:

  • Scar tissue damage: If a dog rips into your skin it can cause scarring, which may take years to decrease and may be permanent. This can have a major effect on a person when the scar is more severe and in a visible area such as the face.
  • Infections such as Rabies and Tetanus: Rabies is a life-threatening virus that spreads through the saliva of infected animals. It causes inflammation of the brain while breaking down the central nervous system. Symptoms include, but aren’t limited to fever, confusion, paralysis, and vomiting. Tetanus is a dangerous bacterium that causes tightening of muscles throughout the entire body. It requires a medical diagnosis and must be treated by as soon as possible.
  • Death: In the most severe cases, dog bites can result in injuries which cannot be overcome, and end up killing a person. While these cases are rare, it is important to acknowledge and understand the potential threat that a truly dangerous dog may pose.


“One-Bite” vs. Strict Liability Rules for Dog Bite Injury Cases

Laws determining liability for a dog bite vary from state to state, but there are essentially two basic kinds of laws: liability when the dog owner knew or should have known the dog might bite someone, and liability regardless of what the owner knew or should have known. This article discusses the difference between these two legal concepts in the context of a dog bite case, and includes state-by-state statutory rules.

”One Bite” Laws

Prior to the twentieth century, a dog owner was only held liable for his dog’s biting someone if the owner had reason to know the dog might bite. This was called the “one bite” rule because it generally meant that a dog was allowed “one free bite” before it would get its owner in legal trouble.

In modern times, the one bite rule does not necessarily allow a dog one free bite. If an owner knows the particular breed is dangerous, or if the particular dog might be prone to biting because of its general character or recent events, he could be liable for the dog’s first bite.

The focus is on whether the owner knew or should have known that the dog might bite, and whether the owner took necessary precautions based on that knowledge. For example, if a relatively aggressive dog recently underwent surgery and the owner did not warn a house guest not to pet the dog, the owner might be held liable if the house guest aggravated the area of the dog’s surgery and was subsequently bitten.

Whether the owner knew or should have known the dog might bite can be a very complicated and contested question. The plaintiff will need to provide enough evidence to convince the jury it was “more likely than not” the defendant knew or should have known, and the defendant will need to argue why the plaintiff’s evidence is insufficient or provide contradictory evidence.

The kind of circumstantial evidence the plaintiff might rely on includes: the dog’s breed, what the owner used the dog for (i.e. protection), how the owner trained the dog, neighbors’ experience with the dog and/or warnings from the owner, and how extensively the owner typically restrained the dog.

Strict Liability Dog Bite Laws

Many states have enacted “dog bite” statutes that provide specific rules for dog bite cases. Most of these statutes create a form of “strict liability” for dog bites. Strict liability means that the defendant is held liable if a certain event occurs, regardless of whether the defendant could have done anything to prevent the event.

The typical strict liability dog bite statute says that the defendant is liable if his dog bit a plaintiff and:

  • The plaintiff was legally allowed to be where he was when the bite occurred, and
  • The plaintiff did not provoke the dog.

If a strict liability dog bite statute applies, what the owner did or did not know about the dog prior to the bite is irrelevant. Note that the dog bite statutes are not the same in every state that has them. Some only apply to bites that occur on public property, some allow the defense that the plaintiff was warned, and some apply specifically to dog bites while others apply to domestic animal attacks generally.

Regardless of the variations, the most important aspect of the strict liability dog bite statutes is that a winning case is easier to predict, the plaintiff will have a much easier time proving and winning a case at trial, and a defendant is therefore much more likely to settle early on if it is clear the statute applies.


Dog Bite Injury Claim Basics

Dogs bite more than 4.5 million people each year, with one out of five dog bite victims needing medical treatment.  We teach our kids how to prevent dog bites, yet children are more likely to be bitten than adults. Sadly, dog bite injuries to children tend to be more severe.

Damages: No matter where you live, to recover compensation for a dog bite claim you’ll first have to prove the dog attack caused harm. Your total damages will directly impact the amount of your final settlement.

Damages for dog attacks can include the cost of ambulance transport, medical treatment, nursing care, physical therapy, lost wages, mental health services, and out-of-pocket expenses for your care and treatment.

You can also include travel expenses and parking costs to get to treatment, the replacement cost of clothing and personal items ruined in the attack, and an amount for your mental anguish, pain and suffering.

Exceptions: A dog bite victim will probably not be eligible for compensation if:

  • The victim was bitten by a police or military dog on duty
  • The victim was trespassing or committing a crime at the home or business of the dog’s owner
  • The victim is a veterinarian or veterinary worker bitten on the job


Precautions After A Dog Bite Occurs

There are several scenarios in which a dog bite might take place. If someone else’s dog bites you, your child or your dog, consider the circumstances. Do you know who owns the dog? Is it a puppy? Is the dog exhibiting strange or aggressive behavior?

If you know who owns the dog and the owner is present, exchange names and contact information. Obtain information from any witnesses, as well. Ask the owner if they can show proof their dog has an up-to-date rabies vaccination. If you do not know who owns the dog, you may need to get a rabies vaccination, which could cost more than $3,000.

What To Do After A Puppy Bites You

If a puppy bit you, stay calm and try not to react.  A puppy is still a baby, and it may bite because it is teething, or trying to establish its dominance. A bite from a puppy is not likely to be the result of aggression.

Though it will probably be a minor dog bite, a puppy bite might still hurt, and it may break the skin as well. If the bite results in a superficial wound, follow the steps outlined below to treat it.

What To Do After An Unknown Dog Bites You

If you do not know the dog — or the owner of the dog — who is responsible for the bite, you will want to act to protect yourself from any possible disease or rabies the dog might have. Avoid trying to hold or catch the dog on your own. Instead, call 911 right away, then they or you can contact animal control. You want to clean the injured area so you can avoid transmitting bacteria that could cause an infection, and get proper medical attention and a rabies vaccination right away.

What If Your Dog Bites You?

If your dog bites you or a member of your household, it may be an upsetting experience, but it is best to try to remain calm. While you do not have to worry about contacting the police or taking down someone else’s information in this situation, you should still think about the circumstances around the bite. Was it accidental? Was the dog playing? Or, was he fighting with another dog and you got in the way? In this situation, don’t discipline the dog after the bite occurs. The dog will not understand the connection between the biting and the subsequent discipline.

There might be medical or behavioral reasons for the bite. Your dog may be concealing pain or injury, and perhaps you got too close and the dog reacted by nipping at you. If you suspect that could be the case, make an appointment with your veterinarian. If your dog bit you because you got too close to something valuable to him, like his favorite napping spot, toy or food bowl during mealtime, it’s possible the dog is starting to show signs of aggression. You may need to work with your dog to try to eliminate aggressive behaviors, and it might require enlisting the help of a professional dog trainer.


Four Things You Need To Know If Bitten By A Dog

  • If you are bitten while in a public place and bitten by a dog running at large, the dog owner will generally be held responsible as long as you were not provoking the dog;
  • If you are on the premises of the dog owner (i.e. home, farm, owner’s driveway, etc..) and get bitten, you will have the legal duty to prove that the owner knew the dog had “dangerous propensities.” This means that the dog had a prior history of aggression or viciousness that has been witnessed by someone, or the owner has admitted to.  Owners rarely admit to these type of things, so you have to find out what the owner knows through their own friends and neighbors.  This is not always an easy task, especially for owners you do not know very well.
  • You need to have appropriate coverage for this type of scenario with your own homeowner’s insurance. Call your agent and ask if you have the correct type of coverage that will cover you if someone else’s dog bites you and does not have any, or enough, insurance coverage;
  • You only have one year (unless you are a minor) to file your claim. After that, you are out of luck.

Things To Consider When Hiring A Family Law Attorney

Ways a Good Divorce Lawyer Can Truly Help You

A good divorce lawyer is going to take care of you and your case in ways that you may not have considered, and beyond what you would normally expect. You might get divorced once, maybe twice. The best divorce attorneys have represented hundreds of divorce cases. Someone with years of experience and dedication to family law is invaluable when it comes to protecting your rights and your future.

A good divorce lawyer lays out both the good news and the bad.

The hallmark of great legal counsel is, regardless of your situation and no matter what you may want to hear, that attorney is going to give you the legal guidance that will protect your best interests. Always—even if it is not the most popular advice.

Top attorneys strive for favorable settlement; – yet are fully prepared to go to trial.

The primary goal is to reach a resolution to all issues of a divorce through negotiation, settlement, or mediation. A good divorce attorney knows that one of the most successful strategies in securing a favorable settlement at any stage of a divorce case is to have the reputation and ability as a competent, effective trial lawyer who will proceed formally to trial, if necessary.

A highly competent attorney breeds confidence.

People facing divorce feel like they’re standing on shaky ground. For example, budgets and finances will be upset, as you try to establish your own separate household. Or you may fear spending less time with your children than before, as shared custody and parenting plans set legally binding visitation and living arrangements. Yet just because the future will be different, does not mean it will be unfair.

A good divorce lawyer can protect your reputation

Divorce has potential to become very negative. Maintaining your reputation is critical, yet many people do not take this into account. Emotions run high in divorce proceedings, and a spouse may use this opportunity to launch an unjustified attack on the other spouse. It is hard in these cases to take the high ground and not retaliate with further unfavorable conduct. These situations call for counsel who is accomplished in dealing with high conflict cases, where one or both parties’ reputations have had to be managed throughout the case.


Things to Know About Family Court

If you are the victim of domestic violence and need legal help, this guide contains some basic information about family court. While a lawyer who knows about domestic violence is the best person to help, many survivors cannot find or afford lawyers to represent them in court. This quick guide provides general information about family courts across the country. Keep in mind some information may not apply to your court or your state.

Dividing Retirement Benefits at Divorce

At the time you’re going through your divorce, retirement may be the last thing on your mind. However, retirement benefits are very valuable and can ensure your economic security in old age

Even if your divorce decree awards you a share of the retirement benefit, though, you might still not be able to receive it unless you take certain additional steps after your divorce. If you wait too long after your divorce, obtaining a share of your former spouse’s retirement benefits may become more difficult or even impossible. This guide gives you some tips on how to be sure you receive any benefits you were awarded at divorce.

Do you want child support but are afraid of how your current or former partner/spouse/boyfriend/girlfriend may react to a child support case? Are you unsure about getting child support and want to know what protections are available from your local child support agency? If you do NOT want child support because of your concerns, do you want to know how to keep a case from being opened or close a case that is already opened?

Lots of parents want or need child support but worry about getting child support safely. This booklet explains the process, describes options and offers questions to ask agency workers to help you stay safe.


Lawyer, teacher, translator, guide.

An accomplished divorce and family lawyer, wanted to change how he priced his services in a way that offered a closer, transparent, and unfettered working relationship with his clients. Often hearing complaints about the uncertainties and anxieties presented by hourly billing, he decided to change his business model and open a firm offering Pre-Agreed Pricing. Evolution was born.

It’s a clear and simple approach that takes to serving divorce and family law clients as they face often challenging roads ahead. “It’s important for me to listen, understand each person’s circumstances, and provide them with options so they can move forward in a positive direction,” she says. “My goal is to make sure you feel at ease and to help you make a decision as to where you want to go next.”

I will always do my very best to help clients negotiate an agreement to resolve issues outside of court when it makes sense for their situation. This allows clients to have a say in the ultimate resolution of their case without the stress, anxiety and added cost that often accompanies litigation. I also encourage clients – and really, anyone going through difficult family struggles — to ensure they have a support system in place: Friends. Family members. A therapist. I’m here to educate you, give you legal guidance and chart a path forward. But having a support system is also essential to getting you through.”

“In family law, there is an opportunity to help people and families. If possible, even with a divorce, the process doesn’t always have to be adversarial, and you can find a way to make it as friendly as possible — especially when kids are involved,” she says.

Working in law, I’ve found, is the best way I can use my skills to help people and make a difference for those who are in a difficult situation,” says, who keeps our attorneys organized as she pursues a bachelor of science degree in paralegal studies from the University


Tips on How to Find the Best Child Custody Lawyer

If you’re searching for a child custody lawyer you’re probably looking for the “best lawyer,” right? Few things get us as passionate or protective as our children. That is a major reason child custody cases so often become intense and contentious. We want to fight for what is in the best interest of our children.

Knowing how to choose a child custody lawyer who will provide you with the legal advice you need, at a price you can afford, and be the right fit for your situation, isn’t easy. It’s one of the most important children custody decisions you will make

However, we would not be a good fit for someone filing a personal injury claim for example, since we do not focus our practice on that area of the law.

Every attorney has his or her own:



philosophies, and

ways of doing business

Start to Learn About Child Custody

It used to be; the law was treated as a secret. The only way you could get your questions answered was to talk with a lawyer. There were no “free consultations.” That is no longer the case.

Gather the Names of Potential Child Custody Lawyers

Think about your problem. What have you learned about your type of case? Now, can you summarize your problem in 20 words or less? “I am having a child custody problem.” “I would like to get visitation with my child” “My ex-girlfriend will not let me see my child.”


Representing Yourself in Parenting Matters

It is common in the Family Court and in the Federal Circuit Court for parties to represent themselves for all or part of the proceedings. This may be because they cannot afford a lawyer and do not qualify for legal aid. It may also be because they want to save money and think they do not need a lawyer as they can manage the proceedings themselves. If you are considering representing yourself in a family law matter, here are some things to keep in mind.

Try to resolve the matter out of court

If you are applying for orders in relation to children, the court will require parties to have attempted to resolve their dispute through Family Dispute Resolution (FRD) before commencing proceedings. Unless there is a compelling reason why mediation is not suitable for your situation, you should invite the other party to FDR and make a genuine attempt to reach a mutually satisfactory agreement prior to filing an application.

Thoroughly prepare your material

If you are seeking orders in relation to children, you must file the following documents:



Notice of Risk

Your application or response must clearly set out the orders you are seeking, both on an interim basis and on a final basis. If you change your mind about the orders you are seeking after you have filed your material, you must file an amended application or response as the case may be.

Issuing subpoenas

If you know or suspect that there is material that would help your case, you can issue subpoenas to obtain this material. Examples of material that you may obtain by subpoena include police records, hospital records and school records.

Must Know How Dui Lawyer Works

Choosing Qualified DUI Lawyers for the Case

A DUI can have an immediate impact on your day-to-day life. It can affect your driving privileges, your employment, and it may even mean possible jail time. As such, it is necessary to find out your options as soon as possible.

First, you must come up with a plan to tackle the daunting legal battle that comes with fighting a DUI arrest. This article discusses how to hire a DUI attorney and important things to consider when making your decision.

Public defender or private attorney

If your income is low enough you may qualify to have a public defender represent you. In many jurisdictions public defenders handle a lot of DUIs. They’ll know how the system works and how to get you the best deal possible given the facts of your case.

If you qualify for a public defender, try to find out what reputation the public defender’s office has in your jurisdiction. If it’s positive, the prosecutor may be more willing to negotiate a good deal.

If your income is too high to qualify for a public defender, you’ll need to hire a private attorney if you want representation. For the best chance of success, keep a few things in mind:

An attorney who handles DUI cases regularly is more likely to get you a good outcome than a generalist.

Make sure you find out up front how much your case is likely to cost, including factors that might increase the cost.

If possible, talk to at least 2 or 3 lawyers to find one you are comfortable with.

An initial consultation is often free, so you can see if the attorney is a good fit for you. Some attorneys do charge for the initial consultation but will apply the fee to the cost of your case if you hire them.

In many cases you won’t need an attorney for a first offense DUI. But if your case isn’t straightforward, an attorney may be able to get a better outcome for your case than you could alone.



Hire Lawyers

When you hire a private DUI lawyer, it’s typically to represent you in DMV proceedings and criminal court. Having the same attorney work on both aspects of your case can lead to better outcomes, including a shorter license-suspension period.

Most defendants see the price as the major drawback with private lawyers. Hiring a private DUI lawyer will generally cost you between $1,000 and $5,000. If your case goes to trial, it can be even more expensive. (And there are cases where spending the money for a private lawyer won’t get you a more favorable outcome than had you gone with the public defender.)

However, hiring a private DUI attorney (assuming you can afford one) can be well worth it. Of course, when you’re retaining an attorney, you get to decide who that attorney will be. Attorneys who specialize in DUI cases often have an in-depth understanding of DUI law and defenses that other attorneys don’t have. In some cases, this expertise can lead to more satisfactory results—perhaps, a better plea bargain or dismissal of the charges altogether.

Having a private lawyer can also minimize the time you have to spend in court. In some areas, public defender clients must personally appear for all court dates. With private counsel, on the other hand, you usually won’t have to be present for routine court appearances. For many people, especially busy professionals, not having to miss work to come to court is a significant perk.

Another benefit of hiring an attorney is you’ll typically get more one-on-time than you would with a public lawyer. Most people feel more comfortable with their case when they get all their questions answered and concerns addressed.


Selecting a DUI attorney

Conduct Detailed Research About the DUI Lawyer

When you have to choose a DUI lawyer, then the most significant aspect is that you should research on your part. The smart approach is that you must prepare an excel sheet, and list down the details about the top DUI lawyers in the sheet. You can include the addresses, email, and phone numbers of the lawyers in the excel sheet. For example, you may list down the details about Vista DUI Attorney.

Get Hold of An Attorney with Experience

What you need to keep in mind is that you have little time to act when you get arrested for DUI. You need to hire an attorney who has significant experience related to DUI cases and DMV.


Some Key Questions For Your DUI Lawyer To Ask

  1. What Training as a DUI Specialist Do You Have? Ask if the lawyer is certified by any organizations such as the NCDD (National College for DUI Defense). Does the attorney have training from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration in administering Standardized Field Sobriety Tests? An important part of your case may hinge on whether the police officer conducted your roadside tests correctly. Has the lawyer received training on using the breathalyzer machine? At your meeting, look for certificates for these and other DUI-related training, which should be hanging on the lawyer’s office wall.
  2. What is Your Experience in Representing DUI clients? How many years has the attorney been practicing DUI law and on how many cases in a typical year? What is the lawyer’s trial experience? Ask what percentage of the lawyer’s caseload is focused on DUIs—it should be close to 100%. A lawyer who specializes in DUI cases will be up to date on anything that has changed in DUI laws.
  3. Can You Tell Me About the Last DUI Case You Won, and How? Your lawyer should have a very recent local case that was successful. Ask when the attorney’s next case will be. DUI lawyers whose practice is devoted to DUI cases should be expected to have one or more DUI trials on their schedule within a week or so of your interview. Ask how often the lawyer takes cases to trial.


To help you make the right decision consider the following:

  • Level of Comfort: You will want to select the attorney that you felt the most comfortable with since you will be speaking with him or her throughout the duration of your case.
  • Good Communication Skills: You want to select the attorney that was best able to relate the information regarding your case in a manner that was easy to understand. Presentation is key in any legal case and the way the attorney communicated with you is a good indication of how he will communicate with the judge and jury.
  • Confidence: The attorney’s confidence is also important. An attorney that seems ambivalent and does not have clear responses to your questions may not have as much experience as he says.
  • Trust: It is difficult to know how trustworthy a person is after just one meeting. Client testimonials may help in this regard; however, beware of Yelp reviews or other online reviews by disgruntled clients as they may not be happy with the outcome of their case despite the attorney’s fair representation.