Things To Consider When Hiring A Family Law Attorney

Ways a Good Divorce Lawyer Can Truly Help You

A good divorce lawyer is going to take care of you and your case in ways that you may not have considered, and beyond what you would normally expect. You might get divorced once, maybe twice. The best divorce attorneys have represented hundreds of divorce cases. Someone with years of experience and dedication to family law is invaluable when it comes to protecting your rights and your future.

A good divorce lawyer lays out both the good news and the bad.

The hallmark of great legal counsel is, regardless of your situation and no matter what you may want to hear, that attorney is going to give you the legal guidance that will protect your best interests. Always—even if it is not the most popular advice.

Top attorneys strive for favorable settlement; – yet are fully prepared to go to trial.

The primary goal is to reach a resolution to all issues of a divorce through negotiation, settlement, or mediation. A good divorce attorney knows that one of the most successful strategies in securing a favorable settlement at any stage of a divorce case is to have the reputation and ability as a competent, effective trial lawyer who will proceed formally to trial, if necessary.

A highly competent attorney breeds confidence.

People facing divorce feel like they’re standing on shaky ground. For example, budgets and finances will be upset, as you try to establish your own separate household. Or you may fear spending less time with your children than before, as shared custody and parenting plans set legally binding visitation and living arrangements. Yet just because the future will be different, does not mean it will be unfair.

A good divorce lawyer can protect your reputation

Divorce has potential to become very negative. Maintaining your reputation is critical, yet many people do not take this into account. Emotions run high in divorce proceedings, and a spouse may use this opportunity to launch an unjustified attack on the other spouse. It is hard in these cases to take the high ground and not retaliate with further unfavorable conduct. These situations call for counsel who is accomplished in dealing with high conflict cases, where one or both parties’ reputations have had to be managed throughout the case.


Things to Know About Family Court

If you are the victim of domestic violence and need legal help, this guide contains some basic information about family court. While a lawyer who knows about domestic violence is the best person to help, many survivors cannot find or afford lawyers to represent them in court. This quick guide provides general information about family courts across the country. Keep in mind some information may not apply to your court or your state.

Dividing Retirement Benefits at Divorce

At the time you’re going through your divorce, retirement may be the last thing on your mind. However, retirement benefits are very valuable and can ensure your economic security in old age

Even if your divorce decree awards you a share of the retirement benefit, though, you might still not be able to receive it unless you take certain additional steps after your divorce. If you wait too long after your divorce, obtaining a share of your former spouse’s retirement benefits may become more difficult or even impossible. This guide gives you some tips on how to be sure you receive any benefits you were awarded at divorce.

Do you want child support but are afraid of how your current or former partner/spouse/boyfriend/girlfriend may react to a child support case? Are you unsure about getting child support and want to know what protections are available from your local child support agency? If you do NOT want child support because of your concerns, do you want to know how to keep a case from being opened or close a case that is already opened?

Lots of parents want or need child support but worry about getting child support safely. This booklet explains the process, describes options and offers questions to ask agency workers to help you stay safe.


Lawyer, teacher, translator, guide.

An accomplished divorce and family lawyer, wanted to change how he priced his services in a way that offered a closer, transparent, and unfettered working relationship with his clients. Often hearing complaints about the uncertainties and anxieties presented by hourly billing, he decided to change his business model and open a firm offering Pre-Agreed Pricing. Evolution was born.

It’s a clear and simple approach that takes to serving divorce and family law clients as they face often challenging roads ahead. “It’s important for me to listen, understand each person’s circumstances, and provide them with options so they can move forward in a positive direction,” she says. “My goal is to make sure you feel at ease and to help you make a decision as to where you want to go next.”

I will always do my very best to help clients negotiate an agreement to resolve issues outside of court when it makes sense for their situation. This allows clients to have a say in the ultimate resolution of their case without the stress, anxiety and added cost that often accompanies litigation. I also encourage clients – and really, anyone going through difficult family struggles — to ensure they have a support system in place: Friends. Family members. A therapist. I’m here to educate you, give you legal guidance and chart a path forward. But having a support system is also essential to getting you through.”

“In family law, there is an opportunity to help people and families. If possible, even with a divorce, the process doesn’t always have to be adversarial, and you can find a way to make it as friendly as possible — especially when kids are involved,” she says.

Working in law, I’ve found, is the best way I can use my skills to help people and make a difference for those who are in a difficult situation,” says, who keeps our attorneys organized as she pursues a bachelor of science degree in paralegal studies from the University


Tips on How to Find the Best Child Custody Lawyer

If you’re searching for a child custody lawyer you’re probably looking for the “best lawyer,” right? Few things get us as passionate or protective as our children. That is a major reason child custody cases so often become intense and contentious. We want to fight for what is in the best interest of our children.

Knowing how to choose a child custody lawyer who will provide you with the legal advice you need, at a price you can afford, and be the right fit for your situation, isn’t easy. It’s one of the most important children custody decisions you will make

However, we would not be a good fit for someone filing a personal injury claim for example, since we do not focus our practice on that area of the law.

Every attorney has his or her own:



philosophies, and

ways of doing business

Start to Learn About Child Custody

It used to be; the law was treated as a secret. The only way you could get your questions answered was to talk with a lawyer. There were no “free consultations.” That is no longer the case.

Gather the Names of Potential Child Custody Lawyers

Think about your problem. What have you learned about your type of case? Now, can you summarize your problem in 20 words or less? “I am having a child custody problem.” “I would like to get visitation with my child” “My ex-girlfriend will not let me see my child.”


Representing Yourself in Parenting Matters

It is common in the Family Court and in the Federal Circuit Court for parties to represent themselves for all or part of the proceedings. This may be because they cannot afford a lawyer and do not qualify for legal aid. It may also be because they want to save money and think they do not need a lawyer as they can manage the proceedings themselves. If you are considering representing yourself in a family law matter, here are some things to keep in mind.

Try to resolve the matter out of court

If you are applying for orders in relation to children, the court will require parties to have attempted to resolve their dispute through Family Dispute Resolution (FRD) before commencing proceedings. Unless there is a compelling reason why mediation is not suitable for your situation, you should invite the other party to FDR and make a genuine attempt to reach a mutually satisfactory agreement prior to filing an application.

Thoroughly prepare your material

If you are seeking orders in relation to children, you must file the following documents:



Notice of Risk

Your application or response must clearly set out the orders you are seeking, both on an interim basis and on a final basis. If you change your mind about the orders you are seeking after you have filed your material, you must file an amended application or response as the case may be.

Issuing subpoenas

If you know or suspect that there is material that would help your case, you can issue subpoenas to obtain this material. Examples of material that you may obtain by subpoena include police records, hospital records and school records.